Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Jeerakadyarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps in the detoxification of the body Aids in digestion Improves immunity Information about Dhootapapeshwar Jeerakadyarishta Dhootapapeshwar Jeerakadyarishta is a generic combination which includes jeerak-cumin seeds that are useful in digestive disorders and postnatal care. Key Ingredients: Jeeraka (Shveta) Cuminium Cyminium Dhataki (woodfordia...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Dashamoolarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Aids in the purification of the blood It has anti-inflammatory properties Boosts immunity Information about Dhootapapeshwar Dashamoolarishta Dhootapapeshwar Dashamoolarishta helps in relieving pain and inflammation in the body. It also helps in the detoxification of system.Key Ingredients: Dashamoola Chitrak Pushkarmoola Lodhra Guduchi...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Balarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps to improve the digestion process and liver functions Improves the strength Strengthens your bones Information about Dhootapapeshwar Balarishta Dhootapapeshwar Balarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine which is used to help to improve the functioning of the brain, nerves muscles ligaments and bones.Key...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Ashvagandharishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps to improve the overall wellbeing of the person It can to support the functioning of the stomach Can help alleviate digestive distress Information about Dhootapapeshwar Ashvagandharishta Dhootapapeshwar Ashwagandharishta can help to support the functioning of the stomach and help to alleviate...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Ashokarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Maintains your reproductive health Balances the levels of body hormones Contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties Information about Dhootapapeshwar Ashokarishta Dhootapapeshwar Ashokarishta is formulated to help maintain your reproductive health. It encompasses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties along with rejuvenating, antioxidant and immune-modulator properties.Key...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Arjunarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps maintain cardiovascular health Useful in strengthening the immune system Used to help improve lung capacity and efficiency Information about Dhootapapeshwar Arjunarishta Dhootapapeshwar Arjunarishta is a combination of ingredients that work together to help lower cholesterol levels, maintain blood pressure and strengthen...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Amrutarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Ensures proper functioning of liver Helps improve your overall well-being Maintains healthy spleen Information about Dhootapapeshwar Amrutarishta Dhootapapeshwar Amrutarishta is specially formulated to help deal with liver and spleen troubles. It is useful in ensuring the proper functioning of the liver and...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$29.65- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Maha Rasnadi Kadha Useful In Rheumatoid Arthritis Liquid 450mlMelionsbrother Benefits: It is helpful in reducing pain, inflammation and stiffness in the joints It helps in improving functional efficiency of affected part It is useful in strengthening the nerves and improve appetite It is suggested for the treatment of bone and joint related...
- $33.89
$42.36- $33.89
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Gokshuradi Kadha Useful In All Types Of Rheumatic Problems Liquid 450mlMelionsbrother • Gokshur kadha is a trusted ayurvedic medicine widely used in kidney stones and other urinary problems.• Gokshur Kadha is a proven diuretic, antiurolithic.• Gokshur kadha disintegrates and expels out urinary stones, relieves pain and difficulty in urination. It effectively alleviates burning micturition...
- $33.89
$42.36- $33.89
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Devdarvyadi Kadha Useful In After Delivery Problems Liquid 450mlMelionsbrother Product details and information about Dhanvantari Devdarvyavdi Kadha, 450 ML Dhanvantari Devdarvyadi Kadha is useful in after delivery problems. Thank You
- $33.89
$42.36- $33.89
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Dashmool Kadha Useful In Cough,Fever & Asthma Liquid 450mlMelionsbrother Product details and information and about Dhanvantari Dashmool Kadha, 450ml Dhanvantari Dashmool Kadha is used as tonic post delivery. It helpful in post-partum problems. Dashmool quath is also prescribed for Cough, Fever, Asthma Problem, joint inflammation, gynaecological problems and other vata roga. Dosage...
- $33.89
$42.36- $33.89
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Ashmarihar Kadha Useful In Kidney Stine Liquid 450mlMelionsbrother Item Form Liquid Brand Dhanvantari Age Range (Description) All About this item Ayurvedic proprietary medicine Package Contents: ML For dosage/Usage kindly refer the package information Form Type: Liquid Important information Directions: Useful in all types of Urinary related problems Product description Product Dhanvantari...
- $33.89
$42.36- $33.89
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Abhyadi Kadha Digestive Liquid 450mlMelionsbrother Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Abhyadi Kadha Digestive Liquid 450ml Thank You
- $33.89
$42.36- $33.89
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Varunadi Kadha Kashay Useful In Urinary Sugar LiquidMelionsbrother Brand Dhanvantari Specific Uses For Product Liver Disorders, Arthritis Item Form Liquid Package Type Bottle Dosage Form Liquid About this item Ayurvedic proprietary medicine Package Contents: ML For dosage/Usage kindly refer the package information Form Type: Liquid Important information Directions Useful in chronic...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Rasnasaptak Kashay Useful In Rheumatoid Arthritis LiquidMelionsbrother It can help in balancing Vata and Kapha dosha. It is said to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in the improvement of digestion. It is one of the prescriptions for pain relief and swelling in the body. It is herbal and...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Phaltrikadi kashay Useful In AnemiaJunddice Liver Disorder LiquidMelionsbrother Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Phaltrikadi kashay Useful In AnemiaJunddice Liver Disorder Liquid Thank You
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Punarnavadi Kashay Useful in Inflamation & Anaemia LiquidMelionsbrother Benefits: Improves respiratory issues Improves kidney problems Treats urinary problems Treats abdominal pain Punarnavadi Kashayam are Boerhaavia diffusa, Cedrus deodara, Terminalia chebula, Azadirachta indica, zingiber officinale. Pharmacological action of Punarnavadi Kashayam assuages Kapha and pitta conditions when in extreme. It is a natural...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Pathyadi Kashay Useful In Headache,Eye Disease & Tootache LiquidMelionsbrother It offers relief from headaches and migraines It is full of antioxidants, adaptogenic, and laxative properties It is beneficial for earache, toothache, and night blindness Pathyadi Kashay is an Ayurvedic kadha that is an excellent pain reliever. It alleviates headaches, migraines and even straining...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Maha Rasnadi Kashay Useful In Rheumation Arthritis LiquidMelionsbrother Ayurvedic proprietary medicine Package Contents: ML For dosage/Usage kindly refer the package information Form Type: Liquid Important information Directions: Useful in vat vyadhi and joint pain Product description Product Dhanvantari Maha Rasnadi Kashay Ml is an effective herbal medicine useful in ayurvedic treatment...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Maha Sudarshan Kashay Useful In Fever,Malaria & Loss Of Appetite LiquidMelionsbrother Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Maha Sudarshan Kashay Useful In Fever,Malaria & Loss Of Appetite Liquid Thank You
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Mahamanjisthadi Kashay Useful in Skin Disease & For Blood Purification LiquidMelionsbrother Benefits : Since this medicine helps in the purification process of the blood, it also helps in the detoxification of the body. This helps ensure many health benefits. The Mahamanjisthadi Kwath Kadha benefits include: It helps in the purification process of the blood that helps...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Mansyadi Kashay Useful In Cardiac Disease & In Hyper acidity LiquidMelionsbrother Useful in Epilepsy Hysteria Manic Psychosis Anxiety Neurosis and Depression. Mansyadi Kashay is traditional ayurvedic medicine used for stress disorders and depression. It acts as a potent anti-stress, anxiolytic, and anti-depressant. … It can provide complete relief from generalized anxiety disorder and depression...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Kanchnar Kashay Useful In Tumors & Lymphadenitis LiquidMelionsbrother Ayurvedic proprietary medicine Package Contents: ML For dosage/Usage kindly refer the package information Form Type: Liquid Important information Directions: Useful in Scrofula Abscess and Goiter Product description Product Dhanvantari Kanchnar Kashay Ml is an effective herbal medicine useful in ayurvedic treatment - For...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Ashmarihar Kadha Useful In Kidney Stone LiquidMelionsbrother Item Form Liquid Age Range (Description) All About this item Ayurvedic proprietary medicine Package Contents: ML For dosage/Usage kindly refer the package information Form Type: Liquid Important information Directions: Useful in all types of Urinary related problems Product description Product Dhanvantari Ashmarihar Kadha...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Rasnasapatak Kadha LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Supports musculoskeletal system Relieves joint pain and inflammation Improves joint mobility Information about Dhootapapeshwar Rasnasaptak Kadha Dhootapapeshwar Rasnasaptak Kadha is beneficial for improving musculoskeletal system function. It helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation, as well as joint stiffness. It may also...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
$25.42- Legalacsonyabb ár: $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Paripathyadi Kadha LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights The formulation provides effective relief from cough and cold Helps relieve sore throat Might help to strengthen the immune system Information about Dhootapapeshwar Pathyadi Kadha Dhootapapeshwar Pathyadi KadhaIt is beneficial in managing colds and coughs—Moreover, the ingredients used in the formulation...
- Legalacsonyabb ár: $25.42
$33.89- Legalacsonyabb ár: $25.42
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