Nagarjun Pathyadi Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in sciatica, abdominal ulcer, wound, anaemia, pruritus, cold, gout. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Pathyadi Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in the treatment of headache, earache, pain in temporal region, migraine etc. Thank You
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Panchtikta Guggulu Ghrit Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in chronic skin infections, ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, leprosy and in blood purification. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Panchsakar Choornam TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in constipation and bloating. Thank You
- Da $10.16
$12.70- Da $10.16
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Nimb Twak Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in skin diseases, frequent infective illness, biliousness and in diabetes mellitus. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarrjun Navjivan Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful as anti-aging, chronic diarrhea and migraine. Thank You
- $9.31
$12.70- $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Navayas Loh TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in iron deficiency anemia and anemia after infections and jaundice, phthisis, spleen disorders, piles and general debility. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun N Stree Syrup & TabletsMelionsbrother Nagarjun N Stree Syrup & Tablets Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun N LIV Syrup & TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in hepatomegaly, liver enlargment, abscess, jaundice, alcoholic hepatitis, infective hepatitis, indigestion and dyspepsia due to liver diseases, skin problem due to excessive pitta condions, liver cirrhosis. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun N Karshya TabletsMelionsbrother Nagarjun N Karshya Tablets Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun N CDT Syrup & TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in hyperacidity, hyperacidity with constipation, drug-induced hyperacidity, heartburn, acid dyspepsia, pregnancy heartburn, peptic ulcer. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun N Betes TabletsMelionsbrother Provides natural hypoglycaemia and antihyper glycaemic effects, improves carbohydrate metabolism & prevents formation of AMA, Prevents complications of diabetes such as infection, cholestrol accumulation, retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy & gastropathy, protects vital structures like pancreas, lliver, gall bladder and stomach. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Mukta Panchamrut Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in cough, cold, bronchitis, phthisis, asthma, chronic fever. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Medohar Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in obesity, tendency to gain weight. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Manjisthadi Ghanvati (Brihat) TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in skin diseases, gout, syphilis, non healing wounds, obesity and hyper cholestrolemia and eye diseases. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Mandoor Vatak TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in incontinence of urine in children, chlorosis, scrofula, heart affections, phthisis general debility. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Makardhvaj Vati Swarna Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful as male aphrodisiac, spermatic abnormalities, loss of libido, general weakness. Thank You
- Da $16.94
$19.48- Da $16.94
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Yograj Guggulu Swarna Rajat Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in all neuromuscular (Vata) disorders, paralysis, paraplegia, arthritis etc. Thank You
- Da $16.94
$19.48- Da $16.94
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Yograj Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in joint diseases, skin diseases, piles, sprue, diabetes, gout, fistula, bloating, emaciation, low digestion power, asthma, cold, cough, anorexia, male and female infertility. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Vat Vidhvansan Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in vata disorders, neuralgia, aches and pains, abdominal colic, bloating, epilepsy, paralysis, splenic disorders and haemorrhoids. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Sudarshan TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in as antipyretic, anti-malarial, antivitral and antidiabetic. Thank You
- Da $10.16
$12.70- Da $10.16
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Sudarshan Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in all types of fever, delusion, drowsiness, giddiness, thrist, difficulty in breathing, cough, anaemia, jaundice and cardiac disease. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Rasnadi Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in sprain and inflammation, sciatica, joint pain, lumbago, arthritis, musculoskeletal pain etc. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Maha Laxmi Vilas Ras Swarna Rajat Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in respiratory disorders, throat disorders, hernia, skin diseases, urinary disorders and in delirium. Thank You
- Da $16.94
$19.48- Da $16.94
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Loh Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother General debility, tuberculosis, oedema, ascites, inflamation, neuromuscular weakness and sexual debility. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Lilavilas Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in gastro enteritis, gastritis, heart burn. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Lavan Bhaskar Choornam TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in bloating, gas problem, spleen diseases, hemorrhoids, constipation, fistula, abdominal pain, indigestion, respiratory conditions, cough, cold. Thank You
- Da $10.16
$12.70- Da $10.16
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Laksha Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in osteoporosis, fracture, osteopenia, strain. Sprain, low bone density. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kutaj Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in bacterial and worm infections. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kumar Kalyan Ras Swarna Moti Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in fever, cough, jaundice, asthma, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhoea and emaciation in children. Thank You
- Da $25.42
$29.65- Da $25.42
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Krimikuthar Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in helminthiasis (intestinal worm infestation) and anorexia. Thank You
- $9.31
$12.70- $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kravyad Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in splenomegaly, ascites, obesity, poisoning, abdominal colic, malabsorpation syndrome. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Khanjnikari Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in ataxia, chronic paralysis, facial paralysis, Paraplegia, lathyrism, Monoplegia, Curtails, Bronchioles. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kaphkuthar Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in cough, cold, bronchitis, fever. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kaphketu Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in cough, cold, rhinitis bronchitis, asthma, diseases of teeth, throat and eyes. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kanchnar Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in treating goitre (nodules of neck), tumors, and extra growths, useful in herbal wound healing, skin diseases, sinuses and fistula. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kampvatari Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in parkinson’s disease. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$15.25- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kamdudha Ras Plain and Moti Yukt TabletsMelionsbrother 1.Plain Useful in female complaints (Gynaecological disorders), dysentery and gastritis. 2.Moti Yukt Useful in gastritis, dysentery, diabetes, leucorrhoea and heavy menstrual bleeding. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Kaishor Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful as blood purifier, skin diseases, eczema, psoriasis, acne, pimples, improving skin complexion. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Jaymangal Ras Rajat Swarn Yukt TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in all acute and chronic fevers, pyrexia of unknown origin (POU). Thank You
- Da $25.42
$23.72- Da $25.42
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Jawahar Mohara Swarna Moti Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful as cardio tonic and rejuvenating and in cardiac diseases, strength promoting, asthma, burning sensations. Thank You
- Da $21.18
$23.72- Da $21.18
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Jambubeej Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in hyperglycaemia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Hridayarnav Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in cardiac disorders. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Hingvashtak Choornam TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in indigestion, hyperacidity, flatulence, abdominal colic, constipation. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Hemabrak Ras Sindur TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in phthisis, tuberculosis, anaemia in tuberculosis, cough in tuberculosis. Thank You
- Da $33.89
$38.13- Da $33.89
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Guduchi Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful as rejuvenator, immune deficiency, chronic fever, skin diseases, constipation. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Gokshuradi Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in retention of urine, urinary obstruction, urinary calculi, leucorrhoea, gouts, seminal impurity and urinary tract infections. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Gandhak Rasayan TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in chronic fever, skin diseases, diarrhoea, urinary tract disorders, oligospermia, low immunity. Thank You
- Da $9.31
$12.70- Da $9.31
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Ex Bal TabletsMelionsbrother Natural Ayurvedic Aphrodisiac combination, Improves male reproductive system, Imparts fertility, libido, sexual vigour and vitality, Prevents premature ejaculation, sperm deficiency. Thank You
- Da $11.01
$12.70- Da $11.01
- Prezzo unitario
- per
Nagarjun Ex Bal Gold TabletsMelionsbrother Natural Ayurvedic Aphrodisiac combination, Improves male reproductive system, Imparts fertility, libido, sexual vigour and vitality, Prevents premature ejaculation, sperm deficiency. Thank You
- Da $15.25
$21.18- Da $15.25
- Prezzo unitario
- per