Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Chaturmukh Rasa Premium Quality Suvarnakalpa Tablets & PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights It is an ayurvedic health supplement It has rasayana and medhya properties It acts as a brain tonic and stimulator It can manage digestive and respiratory problems Information about Dhootapapeshwar Chaturmukh Rasa Premium Quality Suvarnakalpa Dhootapapeshwar Chaturmukh Rasa Premium Quality SuvarnakalpaIt...
- От $25.42
$33.89- От $25.42
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Chaturmukh Rasa Standard Quality Suvarnakalpa 10 TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights Improves your digestive health Deals with respiratory problems Eases constipation Information about Dhootapapeshwar Chaturmukh Rasa Standard Quality Suvarnakalpa Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Chaturmukh Rasa Standard Quality Suvarnakalpa Tablet is a classical ayurvedic medicine with antioxidant and rejuvenating properties. It addresses problems of the respiratory...
- $12.70
$21.18- $12.70
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический порошок Чусашта Пиппали Чурна 10 гМЕЛИОНСБРАТ ЧУРАН 10 ГМ Основные характеристики продукта Этот аюрведический продукт может помочь функциям дыхания Это может помочь улучшить общее состояние здоровья человека. Информация о Дхутапапешвар Чусашта Пиппали Чурна Дхутапапешвар Чусашта Пиппали Чурна это аюрведический продукт, который может поддерживать дыхательные функции. Это может помочь при кашле...
- От $6.77
$12.70- От $6.77
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический Чаванпраш (Аштаварг)МЕЛИОНСБРАТ ЧЬЯВАНПРАШ РАЗМЕР 500 ГМ И 1 КГ Основные характеристики продукта Способствует общему здоровью организма Справляется с респираторными проблемами Укрепляет иммунную систему Информация о Дхутапапешваре Чаванпраше (Аштаварге) Дхутапапешвар Чаванпраш (Аштаварг) заряжает организм энергией и борется со слабостью. Это смесь различных трав, которые вместе питают и...
- От $33.89
$50.84- От $33.89
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Dashamoolarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Aids in the purification of the blood It has anti-inflammatory properties Boosts immunity Information about Dhootapapeshwar Dashamoolarishta Dhootapapeshwar Dashamoolarishta helps in relieving pain and inflammation in the body. It also helps in the detoxification of system.Key Ingredients: Dashamoola Chitrak Pushkarmoola Lodhra Guduchi...
- От $16.94
$25.42- От $16.94
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический Дхатупуштик 60 таблетокМЕЛИОНСБРАТ 60 ТАБЛЕТКОВ Основные характеристики продукта Поддерживает репродуктивное здоровье женщин Балансирует нервную систему Повышает иммунитет Укрепляет тело Информация о таблетке Дхутапапешвар Дхатупуштик Таблетка Дхутапапешвара Дхатупуштик является полезным аюрведическим способом борьбы с расстройствами, связанными с женской репродуктивной системой. Это может помочь сбалансировать гормоны. Это также помогает...
- От $7.62
$12.70- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Drakshasava LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights It helps to provide cardiac care Can help to alleviate the syptoms of pain It can help in pain management Information about Dhootapapeshwar Drakshasava Dhootapapeshwar Drakshasava is specially formulated to help provide cardiac care and alleviate symptoms of pain. It can also...
- От $16.94
$25.42- От $16.94
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический Дракшовин Специальный тоник для здоровья высшего качестваМЕЛИОНСБРАТ ЖИДКОСТЬ 330 МЛ И 700 МЛ Основные характеристики продукта Этот аюрведический тоник может повысить энергию Это может повысить аппетит Это помогает поддерживать функцию мозга Информация о специальном тонике Дхутапапешвар Дракшовин Специальный тоник Дхутапапешвар Дракшовин это аюрведический тоник, который может помочь зарядиться энергией и освежиться....
- От $33.89
$42.36- От $33.89
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический Экангвир Раса 60 таблетокМЕЛИОНСБРАТ 60 ТАБЛЕТКОВ Основные характеристики продукта Помогает успокоить вата доши. Помогает омолодить организм после Пакшагата. Обладает антибактериальными свойствами Информация о таблетке Дхутапапешвар Экангавир Раса Таблетка Дхутапапешвар Экангавир Раса Это аюрведический препарат, который помогает успокоить поврежденную вата-дошу и уменьшить вата-вахини-кшобху. Ключевые ингредиенты: Шуддха Гандхак – 1...
- От $8.47
$12.70- От $8.47
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Eladi Gutika TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights It gives instant relief from sore throat, cough and itching Elaichi leaves the mouth and breath feel fresh Information about Dhootapapeshwar Eladi Gutika Dhootapapeshwar Eladi Gutika is an ayurvedic chewable tablet. It is primarily used to provide instant relief from sore throat,...
- От $10.16
$16.94- От $10.16
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Gandamala Kandan Rasa TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights Reduces swelling in the glands Helps in managing throat infections Helps to improve immunity and digestion Useful in alleviating gastric disturbances Information about Dhootapapeshwar Gandamala Kandan Rasa Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Gandamala Kandan Rasa Tablet is a potent ayurvedic formulation renowned for its effectiveness...
- От $10.16
$16.94- От $10.16
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Gandhak Rasayan TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights This ayurvedic product may support kidney and stomach functions It may reduce fever and pain It might help improve overall health Information about Dhootapapeshwar Gandhak Rasayan Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Gandhak Rasayan Tablet is an ayurvedic product that might help reduce inflammation and its...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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- От $6.77
$12.70- От $6.77
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Garbhapal Rasa TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights It is an ayurvedic health supplement It is a formulation for pregnancy care It may help minimise the risk of complications during pregnancy It may help in the normal growth of the foetus Information about Dhootapapeshwar Garbhapal Rasa Dhootapapeshwar Garbhapal Rasa is...
- От $8.47
$16.94- От $8.47
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический порошок Годанти Бхасма 10 гМЕЛИОНСБРАТ БХАСМА ПОРОШОК 10 ГМ Основные характеристики продукта Это аюрведическая добавка для здоровья. Обладает противовоспалительными и жаропонижающими свойствами Это может помочь снизить температуру и головные боли. Он может справиться с простудой и кашлем Информация о Дхутапапешваре Годанти Бхасме Дхутапапешвар Годанти Бхасма — аюрведический продукт, который...
- От $6.77
$8.47- От $6.77
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Gokharu Trikantakadi Kadha Kadha LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights It may help deal with urinary tract infections Effective in dealing with burning sensation during urination It may improve the immunity of the body Information about Dhootapapeshwar Trikantakadi Kadha Dhootapapeshwar Trikantakadi Kadha is a formulation that can be effective in dealing with...
- От $16.94
$25.42- От $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Gokshura Urinary Tract Care 60 TabletMelionsbrother Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Gokshura Urinary Tract Care 60 Tablet Thank You
- $10.16
$12.70- $10.16
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Gokshuradi Guggul TabletsMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps relieve gas and bloating Reduces pain and stiffness Useful for urinary tract infections Helps manage urinary disorders Information about Dhootapapeshwar Gokshuradi Guggul Dhootapapeshwar Gokshuradi Guggul l is an ayurvedic product that is known for its potential benefits in relieving gas in...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический Гудучи Иммунитет и уход за печенью 60 таблетокМЕЛИОНСБРАТ 60 ТАБЛЕТКОВ Основные характеристики продукта Известно, что он борется с респираторными инфекциями. Полезен для укрепления иммунной системы. Помогает снизить риск инфекций и заболеваний Информация о таблетке Дхутапапешвар Гудучи Таблетка Дхутапапешвар Гудучи — это аюрведическая добавка, которая, как известно, также помогает при проблемах с дыханием....
- От $7.62
$12.70- От $7.62
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведический Гульканд Пищеварительная система, головные боли и тошнотаМЕЛИОНСБРАТ ГУЛЬКАНД РАЗМЕР 200 ГМ, 400 ГМ И 900 ГМ Основные характеристики продукта Уменьшает головные боли Борется с кислотностью Убирает ощущение жжения Борется с тошнотой Информация о Дхутапапешваре Гульканде Дхутапапешвар Гульканд помогает сбалансировать Питта дошу. Это помогает уменьшить головные боли и тошноту. Это также может...
- От $16.94
$33.89- От $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Hajarul Yahood (Badarashma) Bhasma PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights Improves your overall digestive health Works in Kapha and pitta dosha It might deal with kidney-related issues Information about Dhootapapeshwar Hajarul Yahood (Badarashma) Bhasma Dhootapapeshwar Hajarul Yahood (Badarashma) Bhasma contains hajarul yahood (badarashma) bhasma prepared using shuddha hajarul yahood (badarashma) and moolak...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведические таблетки Харидра Кханд от зуда и сыпи и порошок чурныМЕЛИОНСБРАТ ЧУРАН ПОРОШОК 60 ГМ И 60 ТАБЛЕТКОВ Основные характеристики продукта Полезно при лечении аллергических состояний, таких как зуд и сыпь. Улучшает качество кожи и цвет лица Информация о Дхутапапешваре Харидракханде Чурне Дхутапапешвар Харидракханда Чурна это аюрведический препарат, который действует как ватанумолак и капха. Применяется...
- От $7.62
$12.70- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Haridrakhanda Choorna Powder 60gmMelionsbrother Product highlights Balanced Kapha and pitta dosha Useful for blood disorders Supports digestive health Has antioxidant effects Information about Dhootapapeshwar Haridrakhanda Choorna Dhootapapeshwar Haridrakhanda Choorna is an Ayurvedic remedy that is available in powder form. It is primarily used for its therapeutic benefits in...
- От $10.16
$25.42- От $10.16
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Heeraka Bhasma PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights Strengthens body organs Provides cardiovascular support Improves digestion Supports diabetes management Information about Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is an Ayurvedic product that is prepared using Heerak Bhasma (Diamond Ash) and other herbal ingredients. The Heerak Bhasma is derived from the...
- От $25.42
$33.89- От $25.42
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Hemagarbha Pottali Powder 1gmMelionsbrother Product Description ‘Hemagarbha Pottali' is a well-known Pottali Kalpa for its use in disorders of advanced disease conditions of Pranavaha Srotas like Kasa, Shwasa and Kshaya. Thank You
- $59.31
$67.79- $59.31
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведические таблетки Хингасваштак и порошок ЧурнаМЕЛИОНСБРАТ 60 ТАБЛЕТКОВ И 60 ГМ ПОРОШКА ХОРНЫ 1. 60 ТАБЛЕТКОВ Основные характеристики продукта Уменьшает запор Стабилизирует желудок Спазмолитическое средство по своей природе Информация о таблетке Дхутапапешвар Хингваштак Таблетка Дхутапапешвар Хингваштак — мощная аюрведическая формула, помогающая устранить расстройства пищеварения. Это уменьшает запоры и сохраняет желудок...
- От $7.62
$12.70- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa 30 TabletsMelionsbrother Product highlights Protects heart health Provides strength to the heart muscles Regulates blood pressure levels Information about Dhootapapeshwar Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa Dhootapapeshwar Hrudroga Chintamani Rasa is an ayurvedic formulation that helps protect heart health. The ingredients work together to protect the heart from several...
- $33.89
$38.13- $33.89
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Ichchhabhedi Rasa TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights Improves the overall wellbeing Supports the functioning of stomach Alleviates digestive distress Information about Dhootapapeshwar Ichchhabhedi Rasa Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Ichchhabhedi Rasa Tablet is an Ayurvedic remedy to alleviate digestive distress. It can help to support the functioning of the stomach and promote...
- От $8.47
$16.94- От $8.47
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Jaharmohara Pishti Tablet & PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights Supports the heart health Removes toxins Stabilises the arteries Strengthens the body Information about Dhootapapeshwar Jaharmohara Pishti Dhootapapeshwar Jaharmohara Pishti helps support the wellness of the heart. It helps remove toxins from the body and manages inflammation.Key Ingredients: Jaharmohra Key Benefits: This...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Jayamangal Rasa Premium Quality Suvarnakalpa Tablets & PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights It is an ayurvedic health supplement It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties It can reduce pain and swelling Its javarghana properties help reduce the symptoms of fever Information about Dhootapapeshwar Jayamangal Rasa Premium Quality Suvarnakalpa Dhootapapeshwar Jayamangal Rasa Premium Quality SuvarnakalpaIt...
- От $55.08
$63.55- От $55.08
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Jayamangal Rasa Standard Quality Suvarnakalpa 10 TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights Maintains your heart health It may help in conditions that affect mood,thin king and lead to disturbing behaviour Helps in dealing with lung disorders Information about Dhootapapeshwar Jayamangal Rasa Standard Quality Suvarnakalpa Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Jayamangal Rasa Standard Quality Suvarnakalpa Tablet is an...
- $29.65
$38.13- $29.65
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Jeerakadyarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps in the detoxification of the body Aids in digestion Improves immunity Information about Dhootapapeshwar Jeerakadyarishta Dhootapapeshwar Jeerakadyarishta is a generic combination which includes jeerak-cumin seeds that are useful in digestive disorders and postnatal care. Key Ingredients: Jeeraka (Shveta) Cuminium Cyminium Dhataki (woodfordia...
- От $16.94
$25.42- От $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kaharava Pishti Tablet & PowderMelionsbrother Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kaharava Pishti Tablet & Powder Thank You
- От $11.01
$29.65- От $11.01
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kaishor Guggul TabletsMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps relieve gas in the stomach Reduces pain and swelling Useful for gout Helps manage arthritis Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kaishor Guggul Dhootapapeshwar Kaishor Guggul is an Ayurvedic product that is available in tablet form. It is primarily used for the treatment of...
- От $9.31
$16.94- От $9.31
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kaklarakshak Yog 30 TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights It helps in treating problems related to the thyroid gland It restores the balance of the thyroid gland It helps in proper functioning of the thyroid gland Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kaklarakshak Yog Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Kaklarakshak Yog Tablet is an ayurvedic formula that...
- $15.25
$21.18- $15.25
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Дхутапапешвар Аюрведическая таблетка Камадудха Муктик Вати и обычная таблетка ВатиМЕЛИОНСБРАТ МОУКТИК 25 ТАБЛЕТКА И ОБЫЧНАЯ 25 ТАБЛЕТКА 1. ОБЫЧНЫЕ 25 ТАБЛЕТКОВ Основные характеристики продукта Этот аюрведический продукт может поддерживать функции желудка. Это может помочь контролировать уровень сахара в крови Это может помочь улучшить общее состояние здоровья женщин Информация о Дхутапапешвар Камадуга Равнина Вати...
- От $6.77
$12.70- От $6.77
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kamadugha Plain Vati Tablet & PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights This ayurvedic product may support stomach functions It may help manage blood sugar levels It may help manage blood sugar levels Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kamadugha Plain Vati Dhootapapeshwar Kamadugha Plain Vati is an ayurvedic product that might help reduce body temperature and...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kamadugha with Mouktik Tablet & PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights Reduces pitta dosha Minimises temperature Reduces inflammation Supports the wellness of the skin Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kamadugha with Mouktik Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Kamadugha with Mouktik Tablet is an Ayurvedic product that is formulated to help reduce high body temperature and address disorders related...
- От $7.62
$12.70- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kanakasava LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps provide respiratory care Improves the overall wellbeing Can help to improve ease of breathing Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kanakasava Dhootapapeshwar Kanakasava is made up of ingredients that work together to help provide respiratory care. It can help in improving the overall wellbeing...
- От $16.94
$25.42- От $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Аюрведическое масло для волос Kanchan Kesh Shine 100 млМЕЛИОНСБРАТ МАСЛО ДЛЯ ВОЛОС 100 МЛ Основные характеристики продукта Способствует густоте волос Укрепляет корни Предотвращает преждевременное поседение Увеличивает толщину Информация о масле для волос Дхутапапешвар Канчан Масло для волос Дхутапапешвар Канчан — мощное масло для волос, которое помогает укрепить корни и уменьшить выпадение волос. Это...
- $15.25
$21.18- $15.25
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kanchanar Guggul TabletsMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps maintain healthy weight Supports hormonal balance Useful for endometriosis and fibroids Promotes wound healing Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kanchanar Guggul Dhootapapeshwar Kanchanar Guggul is an Ayurvedic product available in tablet form. It is primarily used for its potential benefits in providing relief...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kantaloha Bhasma PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights Helps improve iron deficiency Reduces digestive issues Aids in tissue rejuvenation Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kantaloha Bhasma Dhootapapeshwar Kantaloha Bhasma promotes digestive health by reducing indigestion, constipation, and flatulence. It encourages the formation of red blood cells, helps to reduce iron deficiency and...
- От $7.62
$16.94- От $7.62
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kapardika Bhasma PowderMelionsbrother Product highlights Improves the overall wellbeing Supports the functioning of stomach Alleviates digestive distress Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kapardika Bhasma Dhootapapeshwar Kapardika Bhasma is an ayurvedic medicine which is prepared from cowries. It is used in ayurvedic treatment of digestive distress and helps to improve...
- От $6.77
$16.94- От $6.77
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kaphakuthar Rasa TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights It acts as a Kaphasravak and soothing to the irritated Shwasavahini It is useful in chronic kasa Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kaphakuthar Rasa Dhootapapeshwar Kaphakuthar Rasa is an ayurvedic formulation containing ingredients like shunthi, loha bhasma and kutaki kwath. It is used for...
- От $8.47
$16.94- От $8.47
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kas Shwas Hari Rasa 30 TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights Created with completely Ayurvedic ingredients Helpful in relieving respiratory problems It may improve immunity and also help reduce Vata-related ailments It can alleviate breathing problems Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kas Shwas Hari Rasa Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Kas Shwas Hari Rasa Tablet is an Ayurvedic...
- $25.42
$33.89- $25.42
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kaseesa Bhasma PowderMelionsbrother Dhootapapeshwar Kaseesa Bhasma Due to its Kashayatva, Kaseesa Bhasma has a broad range of utility from Netra Vikar, till Dhatuposhan. It is an uttam Agnideepak and Amapachak bhasma. Kaseesa Bhasma has proved to be an excellent Rasa- Raktaposhak and hence beneficial in Panduroga....
- От $8.47
$16.94- От $8.47
- Цена за единицу
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Аюрведическая паста Дхутапапешвар Кауч Пак 200 гМЕЛИОНСБРАТ ПАСТА 200 ГМ О КАУНЧ ПАК БРЕНД - Дхутапапешвар КОЛИЧЕСТВО - 200 Гм ФОРМА - Вставить СТРАНА ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЯ - Индия СПАСИБО
- От $16.94
$29.65- От $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Khadiradi Gutika TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights Effective relief against common cold, cough and coryza Helpful against chest congestion and breathlessness Helps protect the respiratory tract Information about Dhootapapeshwar Khadiradi Gutika Dhootapapeshwar Khadiradi Gutika is a unique herbal astringent, antiseptic, and expectorant medicine for managing throat disorders. It is...
- От $9.31
$12.70- От $9.31
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Khadirarishta LiquidMelionsbrother Product highlights Reduces skin inflammations Helps in dealing with liver-related issues Works as a strong antioxidant Information about Dhootapapeshwar Khadirarishta Dhootapapeshwar Khadirarishta is the most effective medicine that deals with pimples on the skin. It is herbal Ayurvedic medicine and is prepared from naturally...
- От $16.94
$25.42- От $16.94
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Dhootapapeshwar Ayurvedic Kravyad Rasa TabletMelionsbrother Product highlights It stimulates bowel movement It improves digestive processes Improves your overall well-being Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kravyad Rasa Tablet Dhootapapeshwar Kravyad Rasa is an ayurvedic formulation that is primarily used for providing relief from digestive disorders.Key Ingredients: Black pepper Mercury Key Benefits: It...
- От $8.47
$16.94- От $8.47
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