Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Brahmi 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Adjuvant in the management of anxiety, mental stress, insomnia, cognitive and behavioral disorders. Improves brain functions – Brahmi has been reported to improve the higher brain functions – concentration of mind, learning, understanding, memory, etc. It is thus...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Carditonz 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of heart failure and allied cardiovascular disorders. Increase force of contraction of the heart muscle, reduces LV mass, increases LVEF (hridya) Protect heart from cardio‐toxins (ojasya) Lower preload by increasing...
- 来自 $29.65
$42.36- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Caripa 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Single‐drug that helps in the management of dengue fever and other viral infections, and the production of platelets. Anti‐dengue virus (vishanu‐hara / vishama‐jvara‐hara) ‐ blocks viral assembly mechanism of DENV2 virus Promotes the production of platelets in patients...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Cartogen 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of osteo‐arthritis (OA), degenerative diseases, and auto‐immune disorders. Reinforces joint cartilage (taruna‐asthi‐balyam) by protecting osteo‐arthritic cartilage matrix, inhibiting gelatinase activity of collagenase type 2, and inducing collagen synthesis through TGFbeta...
- 来自 $29.65
$42.36- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Chandan 2 X 15 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE STRIPS 2 X 15 TABLETS Chandan is quite useful in the management of a large number of diseases. However, we primarily recommend the use of Chandan in the management of cancer, H. pylori infection of 1. Cancer (कैंसर): Scientific research has shown...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Chirayata 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Chirayata is a small herb (1-3 ft), growing in in Himalayas at a height of 6-15 thousand feet. It has white violet flowers. Its root is used for medicinal purposes. It is widely used for the Chirayata has...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Chopchini 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Chopchini is a climber. It originated in China and Japan. In India, it is found in Eastern Himalayas. It is widely used for the management of bacterial infections, especially syphilis and Bacterial infection: Chopchini has been used to...
- 来自 $16.94
$25.42- 来自 $16.94
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Corfloz 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of ischemic disorders, CAD (angina, old MI), old CVA, AVN, non‐healing wounds and fractures. Improve coronary artery blood flow, prevents / corrects myocardial ischemia (anti‐ischemic), improve myo‐cardial activity (hridya, sroto‐prasadak)...
- 来自 $29.65
$38.13- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Dealco 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug formulation for the De‐addiction of alcohol and other addictions. Helps pacify the hyper‐excited, agitated mind (manodvega) Helps reduce the craving for the addiction drugs – alcohol, opiates, prescription drugs, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine (Vyasan‐hara) Helps reduce the...
- 来自 $29.65
$38.13- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Dolid 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of painful disorders. Relieves nociceptive pain (vedana‐hara) by (1) Lowering the stimulation of pain nerve endings (anti‐ nociceptive action) possibly by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis, phospholipase A2, interleukin‐1β and interleukin‐8; (2)...
- 来自 $21.18
$29.65- 来自 $21.18
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Dronpushpi 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLET Widely known as Goma-booti, Dronpushpi (Leucas cephalotes) is a typical example of the drugs that are more popular among masses than the ayurveda doctors. Jaundice (Hepatitis): Commonly used drugs in jaundice / hepatitis are - Bhumi-amalaki, Katuki, Punarnava,...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Duralabha 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLET Duralabha is a classic drug of ayurveda for the management of Vertigo / Giddiness / Dizziness. Anti-vertigo – Duralabha has been described by Acharya Chakradutta as the ideal drug for the management of vertigo. The same activity has...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Durva 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Whole plant is widely used in bleeding and bleeding disorders. Durva contains many active principles that make this drug useful in the management of a large number of diseases. Bleeding disorders : As Durva decreases the bleeding time...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Eleva 6 X 10 TabletMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Eleva tablet is a unique combination of 4 important ayurvedic drugs – Jyotismati, Akarkara, Vacha, and Gandira – highly effective in treating diseases affecting the brain, heart, endocrine Strengthen the depressed mind by enhancing the production of dopamine,...
- 来自 $29.65
$42.36- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Entrid 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLET Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of diarrhea, dysentery, IBS, IBD, piles. Exhibits significant antibacterial activity, especially in the gastro‐intestinal tract (jivanu‐hara) Harmonizes peristaltic movements (grahi) Reinforces digestive enzymes (dipana) Strengthens GI mucosa and sub‐mucosa (antra‐balya)...
- 来自 $29.65
$42.36- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Erandmula 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Erandmula is an evergreen shrub growing across India, both wild and cultivated. Its leaves are broad, having 5-11 lobes like palm. Its root-bark and seeds is used for medicinal purposes. Its Erandmula has following major pharmacological actions and...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Fertie F 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of female infertility, ovulation disorders, PCOS. Reinforces folliculo‐genesis and ovulation (beeja‐jananam), largely because of the estrogenic effect on the female genital organs Corrects hypothalamic‐pituitary‐ovarian dysfunction (udana‐apana vata‐dushti‐hara) Prepares endometrium for...
- 来自 $33.89
$42.36- 来自 $33.89
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Fertie M 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLET Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of male infertility, oligo‐spermia, and other sperm disorders. Reinforces spermato‐genesis (beeja‐jananam), largely because of the androgenic effect on the male genital organs Increases sperm motility (shukra‐dushti‐hara) Corrects sperm disorders (shukranu‐dosha‐hara)...
- 来自 $33.89
$42.36- 来自 $33.89
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Gandira 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Gandira is 1 to 2 feet tall, aromatic plant, belonging to mint family. Its leaves have a green periphery and purple center. Leaf Cardiovascular disorders: Gandira lowers raised blood pressure. It acts directly on the blood vessels and...
- 来自 $12.70
$16.94- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Glycie 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, obesity, PCOS. Anti‐diabetic (madhu‐meha‐hara) ‐ Decreases raised blood glucose possibly by – i. enhancing tissue sensitivity to insulin, (ii) and/or stimulating β cells of...
- 来自 $29.65
$42.36- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Gojihva 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETE Gojihva is a small (1 ½ ft), hairy plant with purple flowers. It grows from Kashme in fever, palpitation, and Pain & Fever: Gojihva is a potent analgesic (pain-killer) and antipyretic (lowers raised temperature). It relieves pain both...
- 来自 $12.70
$16.94- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Gokshura 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLET Gokshura is an excellent diuretic of ayurveda. However, it has got many other actions that are quite useful in the treatment of various diseases. URINARY DISEASES: • Kidney failure - Gokshura is useful in the management of kidney...
- 来自 $12.70
$16.94- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Guduchi 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Stem is widely used in immune disorders, and diabetes. Modulates the immunity – Guduchi has been reported to modulate the abnormal immunity as happens in auto-immunity (where the immune cells attack own cells). It is thus useful in...
- 来自 $12.70
$16.94- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Gynorm 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of female infertility, ovulation disorders, menorrhagia. Anti‐oxytocic (garbhashaya‐shamaka) Reinforces folliculogenesis, ovulation (beeja‐jananam) Anti‐menorrhagic (asrigdara‐hara) Corrects hypothalamic‐pituitary‐ovarian dysfunction (udana‐apana vata‐dushti‐hara) Prepares endometrium for conception (garbh‐adanam) Prevents habitual abortion (garbha‐rakshakaram) Act as...
- 来自 $29.65
$42.36- 来自 $29.65
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Hair tonz Hair Health Oil 100 MLMelionsbrother SIZE OIL 100 ML Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of alopecia areata, low/slow hair growth, abnormal hair‐fall, dandruff etc. Revitalize / tone up hair follicles (keshya, rasayana) Promote hair growth, strengthen hair (kesha‐vardhaka, rasayana) Check abnormal hair fall (kesha‐patan‐hara) Improve...
- 来自 $16.94
$25.42- 来自 $16.94
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Hair tonz Hair Health 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of alopecia areata, low/slow hair growth, excessive hair‐fall, dandruff etc. Revitalize / tone up hair follicles (keshya, rasayana) Promote hair growth, strengthen hair (kesha‐vardhaka, rasayana) Check abnormal hair fall (kesha‐patan‐hara)...
- 来自 $21.18
$29.65- 来自 $21.18
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Haritaki 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Haritaki is a large tree with thick dark-brown bark and drupe-like blackish fruits having five ridges. It grows almost across India. Its fruit is used for medicinal purpose. It contains tannins, Anti-oxidant: Haritaki has been reported to have...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Harmal 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Harmal a 1-3 ft high, perennial plant is native to Iran, is widely used for the management of hypertension. In India, it grows widely in northern, western, and southern regions. Its active Hypertension Harmal lowers the blood pressure...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Higro 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of low/slow growth in adolescents and children, and degenerative diseases. Reinforce normal growth ‐ of bones, muscles, and other body tissues in adolescents and children (asthi‐mamsa rasayana) Anti‐oxidant (rasayana) Androgenic...
- 来自 $33.89
$42.36- 来自 $33.89
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Imunie Gold 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Gold-containing multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of Immune deficiency, Auto-immune disorders, & Viral infections. Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera) Ashvagandha, a widely known medicinal herb for its antioxidant / rejuvenative / immuno-modulator, regenerative and tonic actions, has...
- $59.31
$84.74- $59.31
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Imunie 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulationthat helps in the management of diseases resulting from poor immunity, deranged immunity, auto‐immunity. Boost immunity (ojo‐vardhak, tarpaka)– In the presence of poor immunity / immune deficiency, Imunie tablet reinforces immunity by strengthening and activating the...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Infexie 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of bacterial and fungal infections. Anti‐bacterial (jivanu‐hara / jvara‐hara) – inhibits the growth and multiplication of bacteria (Gram +ve and Gram ‐ve) by interfering with their cell wall synthesis, inhibiting...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Jivanti 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Jivanti is a twining shrub with cracked bark. Its heart-shaped leaves are smooth from above and hairy below. Its root is used for medicinal purposes. Its root is widely used in low breast Low milk production: Jivanti have...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kakmachi 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Kakmachi is a 3-5 ft, annual herb with white flowers. Its whole plant is used for medicinal purposes, especially liver disorders. It contains glycoalkaloids, glycoproteins, and Vitamin D deficiency: Research shows that Kakmachi (like many other members of...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kalmegh 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Whole plant is widely used in hepatic disorders. Inhibits viral replication – Kalmegh has been reported to inhibit the replication of viruses (Vishanu-uhara). It is used in the management of various viral fevers (Vishama-jvara) – seasonal fevers, flu,...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kanchnar 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Kanchnar is a very popular drug. It is a medium sized tree. Its leaves are bilobed leaves. It has beautiful flowers in several colors – purple, red, pink, and white. Its stem bark and flowers are Hypo-thyroidism: Kanchnar...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kantakari 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Kantakari is a prickly, diffuse herb, growing in waste lands, across India. Its whole plant is used for medicinal purposes. Its whole plant is widely used in respiratory and allergic disorders. It Anti-allergic: Kantakari is reported to have...
- 来自 $12.70
$16.94- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kapikachhu 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Seeds are widely used in neuro-endocrine disorders. Parkinson’s Disease – Kapaikachhu is reported to contain L-Dopa, a precursor of dopamine, which is useful in Parkinson’s disease. It is useful in the management of Parkinson’s disease. Androgenic – Kapaikachhu...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kasani 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Kasani is an erect, rough and perennial herb with bright blue flowers, growing in the North Western India, upto 6000 ft. Its leaves, seeds, and root are used for medicinal purposes. Useful in kidney disorders – Kasani has...
- 来自 $21.18
$29.65- 来自 $21.18
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Lergex 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of allergic and immune disorders. Anti‐allergic (ama‐dosha‐hara) Membrane‐stabilizing (sthirtva‐karaka) Antihistaminic (asatmyahara) Bronchodilator (shvas‐hara) Anti‐inflammatory (shotha‐hara) Immuno‐modulator (ojasya) Lowers gastric acid (amla‐pitta‐hara) Shati (Hedychium spicatum) Shatika is a potent...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Livie 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of liver, kidney, metabolic disorders, and viral infections. Correct liver disorders & reinforces liver functions ‐ lowers raised bilirubin, and liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase), restores SOD, CAT,...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Locid 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Scientific ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of acidity, gas, and ulcers, containing Shati, Madhuyasti, Bhringraj and Mukta-shukti, four Lowers gastric acid production (amlapitta‐hara) Neutralizes excessive gastric acid (amlata‐hara) Reinforces gastric mucosal barrier (kapha‐vardhaka) Promotes ulcer healing (vrana‐ropaka) Reinforces...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Loswel 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of inflammatory disorders. Anti‐inflammatory (shotha‐hara) – inhibits inflammatory substances ‐ cytokines (TNFα, IL‐1β, and IL‐6), leukotriene biosynthesis, 5‐lipoxygenase, topoisomerase I, topo‐isomerase IIα, NF Analgesic (vedana‐hara) – Lowers stimulation of pain...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Madhuyashti 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Madhuyashti is a 3-6 ft tall and erect, cultivated in northern parts of India. Its root is used for medicinal purposes. Root is widely used in acid peptic diseases, bronchitis, asthma. Useful in acid peptic diseases – Madhuyashti...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Mandukparni 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Mandukparni is widely known for its usefulness in improving learning, memory, and intellect. This prostrate herb with glabrous leaves, is found in wet and shady areas across India. It is Mandukparni has following major pharmacological actions and therapeutic...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Manjishtha 3 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Manjishtha is widely known for its usefulness as Rakta-shodhak ayurveda. This climber plant spreads extensively. Its stem are reddish and several meters long. It is found in hill and Bacterial infections: Manjishtha has been reported to have significant...
- 来自 $12.70
$21.18- 来自 $12.70
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Nagaradi Masanumasik 10th Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the ninth (9th) month of pregnancy – Nagara, Payasya, Madhuyashti, and Devadaru. Nagara (Zingiber officinale) Ginger is useful in indigestion, asthma, nausea and more. This plant is being cultivated...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Madhukamadi Masanumasik 1st Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the first month (1st) of pregnancy – Madhukam, Shak-beejam, Payasya, and Suradaru. Madhukam Glycyrrhiza glabra is a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae, from the root of...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shatavaryadi Masanumasik 2st Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the second (2nd) month of pregnancy – Shatavari, Ashmantak, Krishna-tila, and Tamra-valli. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Asparagus racemosus is a species of asparagus common throughout India and the Himalayas...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Payasyadi Masanumasik 3rd Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the third (3rd) month of pregnancy – Payasya, Vrikshadani, Lata and Utpal-sariva. Payasya (Pueraria tuberosa) Payasyā (पयस्या) is another name for Dugdhikā, which is a Sanskrit word referring...
- 来自 $25.42
$33.89- 来自 $25.42
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