Indian Remedies Ayurvedische Pilesar-Kapsel und -SalbeMelionsbruder Informationen über Indian Remedies Pilesar Capsule Pilesar-Kapseln sind eine Mischung aus fünf pflanzlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Der Hauptbestandteil ist Curcuma Amada, das gemäß dem ayurvedischen Herstellungssystem speziell behandelt und verschiedenen aufwändigen Prozessen unterzogen wurde, wodurch es bei Hämorrhoiden, Fissuren und anderen anorektalen Erkrankungen äußerst wirksam...
- Ab $10.16
$16.94- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Jolly Ayurvedisches Vaseer Anti-Hämorrhoiden-Gel, 25 g und 10 KapselnMelionsbruder Wir präsentieren die Anti-Hämorrhoiden-Kapseln und das Anti-Hämorrhoiden-Gel von Jolly Vaseer: Ihre natürliche Lösung zur Linderung von Hämorrhoiden! Sind Sie die Beschwerden, Schmerzen und Unannehmlichkeiten leid, die Hämorrhoiden verursachen? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! Jolly Vaseer Anti-Hämorrhoiden-Kapseln und -Gele bieten Ihnen 100 % ayurvedische Linderung...
- $10.16
$12.70- $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Misrakasneham 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Misraka Sneham (100 Capsules) is an Ayurvedic herbal supplement that is primarily used for supporting liver health, detoxification, and digestive wellness. This formulation is typically recommended for individuals who are looking to improve liver function, detoxify the body, and aid in...
- Ab $10.16
$29.65- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Skm Ayurveda Anda Thailam Softgel 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother Anda Thailam is a traditional Siddha medicine formulated into soft gel capsules, each containing 300 mg of active ingredients. It is primarily used for its therapeutic benefits in treating conditions such as paralysis, delirium, and convulsions in children. citeturn0search1 Key Ingredients: - Yellow...
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Zoman Useful In Vigour Vitality Kapseln & ÖlMelionsbruder Marke Dhanvantari Artikelformular Kapsel Diättyp Vegetarier Altersspanne (Beschreibung) Erwachsene Darreichungsform Kapsel Über diesen Artikel Ayurvedische Spezialheilkunde Packungsinhalt: Kapseln Dosierung/Anwendung entnehmen Sie bitte der Packungsbeilage. Formtyp: Kapseln Wichtige Informationen Zutaten: Vasant Kusumakar Ras, Makardhwaj Ras, Sindoor Kesar, Chopchini Churna, Bang Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma, Ashwagandha...
- Ab $11.01
$16.94- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Himalayan Organics Schilddrüsenunterstützung Vegetarisch 60 KapselnMelionsbruder Beschreibung Warum brauchen wir eine Schilddrüsenunterstützung? Die Schilddrüsenunterstützungskapseln helfen dabei, den Bedarf der Schilddrüse an lebenswichtigen Nährstoffen zu decken, den Hormonhaushalt auszugleichen und die normale Funktion der Schilddrüse zu stimulieren. 8+ essentielle Nährstoffe für die Schilddrüse: Eine Kombination aus Nährstoffen wie Jod, Selen, Magnesium und...
- $21.18
$25.42- $21.18
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Himalaya Wellness Herbal PartySmart 5 KapselnMelionsbruder Die Kapsel zur Katerprävention. Erleben Sie katerfreie Morgen mit der Güte der Kräuter. PartySmart ist eine Kräutermischung, die Kater vorbeugt. Es ist klinisch erprobt, sicher und wirksam. Wenn Sie Alkohol konsumieren, wird dieser in Acetaldehyd zerlegt. Acetaldehyd ist hauptsächlich für Kater verantwortlich. Die...
- Ab $8.47
$8.47- Ab $8.47
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Himalaya Evecare Frauengesundheit 30 KapselnMelionsbruder Ashoka-Baum, Spargel, Lodh-Baum, Malabar-Nuss Wirkstoffe Ayurveda-Texte und moderne Forschung belegen die folgenden Fakten Ashoka-Baum Der Ashoka-Baum (Ashoka) hat starke östrogene Eigenschaften, die das Endometrium reparieren, den Östrogenspiegel regulieren und während der Menstruation zur Heilung des entzündeten Endometriums beitragen. Spargel Spargel (Shatavari) stellt das...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Himalaya Herbal Liv 52 HB Effektive Behandlung von Hepatitis B 30 schwarze KapselnMelionsbruder Effektive Behandlung von Hepatitis B Nussgras, Schirmrand Wirkstoffe Ayurveda-Texte und moderne Forschung belegen die folgenden Fakten Nussgras Nussgras (Musta) soll das Hepatitis-B-Virus hemmen. Es hat entzündungshemmende und leberschützende Wirkungen, die bei Lebererkrankungen helfen. Regenschirme Edge Dem Schirmkraut (Nagaramustaka) werden antioxidative und entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften...
- Ab $16.94
$21.18- Ab $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Sankha Bhasmam 15 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Sankha Bhasmam is another Ayurvedic supplement that comes in capsule form. Sankha Bhasmam is a traditional Ayurvedic preparation made from the calcined powder of Sankha (conch shell). In Ayurveda, Sankha Bhasmam is used for its therapeutic properties, particularly in addressing issues...
- $10.16
$11.01- $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Pravala Bhasmam 15 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Pravala Bhasmam is another Ayurvedic supplement that comes in capsule form. Pravala Bhasmam is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation made from the calcined powder of Pravala (coral) along with other ingredients. In Ayurveda, Pravala Bhasmam is often used for its medicinal properties,...
- $10.16
$11.01- $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Kanmada Bhasmam 15 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Kanmada Bhasmam is an Ayurvedic supplement that typically comes in capsule form and is used to support general health and well-being. In Ayurvedic medicine, "Bhasmam" refers to a medicinal preparation made from calcined minerals or metals, and "Kanmada" is one of...
- $10.16
$11.01- $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Maharajaprasarini Gel CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Maharajaprasarini Gel Capsules are a traditional Ayurvedic formulation offered by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP). The product is based on the Maharajaprasarini formulation, which is an important Ayurvedic herbal remedy known for its effectiveness in managing joint health, muscle strength, and nerve-related...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Ksheerabala (101) CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Ksheerabala (101) Capsules are a traditional Ayurvedic formulation produced by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP). This product is based on the classical Ksheerabala oil, which is a medicated oil used in Ayurveda for its wide range of benefits, particularly in promoting joint...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Indukantha Gritham CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Indukantha Gritham Capsules are a traditional Ayurvedic formulation produced by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP). This product is based on the classic Ayurvedic preparation called Indukantha Gritham, which is a medicated ghee (clarified butter) used for its wide range of health benefits,...
- Ab $10.16
- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Hinguthriguna Thailam 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Hinguthriguna Thailam is an Ayurvedic medicine used for digestive and gastrointestinal issues. It is typically in oil form, but the tablet version you've mentioned likely combines the benefits of Hinguthriguna (asafoetida-based formulation) into a more convenient tablet format. Key Benefits: Digestive...
- Ab $10.16
$23.72- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Livojith CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Livojith Capsules are a product from Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), designed to support liver health and enhance digestion. These capsules are formulated using a blend of Ayurvedic herbs known for their beneficial effects on the liver, digestive system, and detoxification. Key...
- Ab $10.16
- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Gandharvahastha Eranda Thailam CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Gandharvahastha Eranda Thailam Capsules are a product from Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), based on the traditional Ayurvedic oil formulation Gandharvahastha Eranda Thailam. This product is primarily used for its purifying and rejuvenating properties and is known to support the body in...
- Ab $10.16
$33.89- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Gandha Thailam Gel CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules are a product from Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), based on the traditional Ayurvedic oil formulation Gandha Thailam. This Ayurvedic oil is known for its unique combination of herbs and oils that are used to address a variety...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Dhanwantharam (101) CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Dhanwantharam (101) Capsules are a formulation from Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), based on the classical Ayurvedic preparation called Dhanwantharam. This product is designed to support overall health and vitality. The Dhanwantharam formulation is well-known in Ayurveda for its rejuvenating and nourishing...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Bala Thailam Gel CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Bala Thailam Gel Capsules are another product from Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), and they are based on Bala Thailam, an Ayurvedic oil formulation. In traditional Ayurveda, Bala Thailam is known for its strengthening and rejuvenating properties, often used to support muscle...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Urojith CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Urojith Capsules are an Ayurvedic formulation produced by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), which is widely known for its traditional Ayurvedic products. The Urojith Capsules are typically designed to support urinary health and help in managing conditions related to the urinary system....
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Amalaki 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Amalaki 30 Capsules is a supplement formulated with Amalaki (also known as Indian Gooseberry or Amla), which is highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine for its health benefits. Amla is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients, making it an...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Nimbamruthadi Eranda Thailam CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Nimbamruthadi Eranda Thailam 100 Capsules is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that combines the medicinal properties of Eranda (Castor oil) and Nimbamruthadi (a blend of neem and other herbs). This herbal remedy is primarily used to support the body’s detoxification process, promote...
- Ab $10.16
$33.89- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Sukumara Ghritam Gritham CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Sukumara Ghritam in capsule form is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy used for supporting women's health, especially related to hormonal balance, reproductive health, and general well-being. It is a ghee-based formulation (ghritam) that combines several Ayurvedic herbs known for their benefits in...
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Kalyanaka Gritham CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Kalyanaka Gritham (100 Capsules) is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that combines the benefits of ghee (clarified butter) with a variety of herbs. This unique preparation is designed to support overall health, improve digestion, and enhance immunity. It is widely used in...
- Ab $10.16
$29.65- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Aswajith Srips CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Aswajith (100 Capsules) is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation designed to support overall vitality, energy levels, and immune health. It is particularly beneficial for individuals feeling fatigued, stressed, or experiencing low energy, as it helps rejuvenate the body and restore physical strength...
- $29.65
$33.89- $29.65
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Lumbajith CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Lumbajith (100 Capsules) is an Ayurvedic formulation designed to provide relief from lower back pain, spinal discomfort, and musculoskeletal issues. It is commonly used for managing conditions like lumbar spondylitis, sciatica, and other back-related ailments. The product combines traditional herbs and...
- Ab $10.16
$16.94- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Easelax Plus 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Easelax Plus (30 Capsules) is an Ayurvedic formulation designed to support digestive health, specifically for relieving constipation and promoting regular bowel movements. It is a natural, herbal remedy that helps with gastrointestinal issues by gently stimulating the digestive system and improving...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Brahmi Gritham 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Brahmi Gritham (100 Capsules) is an Ayurvedic formulation that combines Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) with ghee (clarified butter) to support cognitive health and overall brain function. This product is traditionally used to enhance memory, focus, and mental clarity, making it especially popular...
- Ab $10.16
$27.96- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Panchagavyam Gritham (Big) CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Panchagavyam Gritham (Big) 100 Capsules is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that combines five sacred products derived from cows (known as Panchagavya). This product is typically used for its healing properties, immunity-boosting benefits, and to support overall health and well-being. Panchagavya Gritham...
- Ab $10.16
$27.96- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic D Nil 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic D Nil 30 Capsules is an Ayurvedic formulation that is primarily used to support blood sugar management and overall metabolic health. It is designed to be helpful for individuals dealing with issues related to diabetes and high blood sugar levels. Key...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Gulguluthikthakam Gritham 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Gulguluthikthakam Gritham (100 Capsules) is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation manufactured by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP). It is an herbal remedy that combines Guggulu (Commiphora wightii) and other beneficial Ayurvedic herbs to address various health concerns, particularly related to joint health, inflammation,...
- Ab $10.16
$38.13- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Kaisoragulgulu Vatika Gulika 30 & 100 TabletsMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Kaisoragulgulu Vatika Gulika (100 Tablets) is an Ayurvedic formulation manufactured by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), commonly used for its beneficial effects on joint health and detoxification. This tablet combines a blend of traditional Ayurvedic herbs, with a focus on reducing inflammation,...
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Cervijith CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Cervijith 100 Capsules is an Ayurvedic supplement formulated by Arya Vaidya Sala (AVP), designed to support the health of the cervix, uterus, and reproductive system in women. It combines several traditional Ayurvedic herbs known for their benefits in promoting reproductive health,...
- Ab $10.16
$27.96- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
AVP Ayurvedic Arthrojith CapsulesMelionsbrother AVP Ayurvedic Arthrojith 100 Capsules is an Ayurvedic supplement formulated to provide joint health support and relieve symptoms associated with joint pain, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions. This product is developed by Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (AVP), a renowned Ayurvedic brand known for its...
- Ab $10.16
$29.65- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Swayamagni Sinduram 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Swayamagni Sinduram is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that comes in capsule form. It is primarily used to support digestion, improve metabolism, and address conditions related to the digestive system, especially issues like indigestion, acidity, and gas. Here's a detailed overview of...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Brahmi 60 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Brahmi capsules are a traditional Ayurvedic supplement made from the herb Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), which is renowned for its cognitive and mental health benefits. Brahmi is considered one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda for promoting brain health, improving memory,...
- $11.01
$11.86- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Maharajaprasarani Tailam Soft Gel 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Maharajaprasarani Tailam Soft Gel is an Ayurvedic herbal oil-based formulation in the form of soft gel capsules, primarily designed to promote joint health and relieve musculoskeletal discomfort. It is widely used to support the management of conditions like arthritis, joint pain,...
- $23.72
$25.42- $23.72
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Nostricap Softgel 100 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Nostricap Softgel is a herbal formulation designed to support respiratory health, particularly for conditions related to the sinuses, nasal passages, and breathing. It is often used to alleviate symptoms associated with sinusitis, allergies, and congestion, and to promote overall respiratory wellness....
- $23.72
$25.42- $23.72
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Suvarnavangam 100mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Suvarnavangam is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that combines gold (Suvarna) with other beneficial herbs and minerals. The primary ingredient, Suvarna (gold), is believed to have rejuvenating, nourishing, and vitalizing properties. This formulation is commonly used for its overall therapeutic benefits, including...
- $11.86
$12.70- $11.86
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Yasada Bhasmam 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Yasada Bhasmam is an Ayurvedic formulation made from Yashada Bhasma, which is a zinc-based mineral preparation. Yasada Bhasmam is widely used in Ayurveda for its therapeutic benefits, particularly in treating conditions related to skin health, detoxification, and general rejuvenation. It is...
- $10.16
$11.01- $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Makaradhwajam 100mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Makaradhwajam is a classical Ayurvedic formulation known for its rejuvenating, adaptogenic, and vitalizing properties. It is commonly used to support overall vitality, sexual health, immune function, and longevity. Makaradhwajam is traditionally used in Ayurveda to strengthen the body, boost energy, and...
- $19.48
$21.18- $19.48
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Vatagajankusarasam 250mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Vatagajankusarasam is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that is primarily used to address Vata dosha imbalances. It is known for its ability to balance Vata, improve joint health, and provide relief from conditions associated with Vata disorders, such as musculoskeletal issues, pain,...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Vasantakusumakararasam 125mg 10 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Vasantakusumakararasam is a classical Ayurvedic formulation used to balance the Pitta and Vata doshas, especially during seasonal transitions like Vasant (spring). It is primarily used for its rejuvenating, detoxifying, and nourishing effects on the body. This medicine is designed to improve...
- $21.18
$23.72- $21.18
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Prabhakaravati 125mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Prabhakaravati is a well-known Ayurvedic formulation designed to support overall health and well-being. It is traditionally used for its digestive, detoxifying, and rejuvenating properties. This formulation combines several herbs and minerals that work together to balance the body's doshas, improve digestion,...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Mrityunjaya Rasam 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Mrityunjayarasam is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation designed to promote longevity, improve vitality, and support overall health. This powerful Rasayana (rejuvenative) formulation is based on the famous Mrityunjaya mantra and contains a blend of herbs and minerals known for their rejuvenating, healing,...
- $10.16
$11.01- $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Kantasinduram (14) 200mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Kantasinduram (14) is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that primarily contains Kanta (Sulfur) and other key herbal ingredients, processed through 14 purification cycles. The number "14" in the name refers to the number of purification and preparation cycles the ingredients undergo to...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Lohasinduram (21) 250mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Lohasinduram (21) is a potent Ayurvedic formulation that primarily contains Loh (Iron) as the key ingredient. The "21" in the name signifies that the iron has undergone 21 cycles of purification to ensure its safety and potency, according to traditional Ayurvedic...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Kottakkal Ayurvedic Lohasinduram (14) 300mg 30 CapsulesMelionsbrother Kottakkal Ayurvedic Lohasinduram (14) is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that primarily contains Loh (Iron) as the active ingredient. The number "14" in the name refers to the number of purification cycles the Iron undergoes in the preparation process, ensuring its safety and enhancing...
- $11.01
$12.70- $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro