Nagarjun Narayan Tailam OilMelionsbrother Useful externally in all neuromuscular (Vata) disorders such as paralysis, paraplegia, facial paralysis (Bells’s palsy and arthritis. Thank You
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun N Stree Syrup & TabletsMelionsbrother Nagarjun N Stree Syrup & Tablets Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun N LIV Syrup & TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in hepatomegaly, liver enlargment, abscess, jaundice, alcoholic hepatitis, infective hepatitis, indigestion and dyspepsia due to liver diseases, skin problem due to excessive pitta condions, liver cirrhosis. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun N LAX Granules Powder 100gmMelionsbrother Improves digestion, helpful in absorption and prevents formation of AMA, improves propulsive peristatic movement of the intenstine, removes gas, flatulence and dyspepsia, increases fluid secretion by the colon & produces stool-softening action. Thank You
- $12.70
$15.25- $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun N Karshya TabletsMelionsbrother Nagarjun N Karshya Tablets Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun N CDT Syrup & TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in hyperacidity, hyperacidity with constipation, drug-induced hyperacidity, heartburn, acid dyspepsia, pregnancy heartburn, peptic ulcer. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun N Betes TabletsMelionsbrother Provides natural hypoglycaemia and antihyper glycaemic effects, improves carbohydrate metabolism & prevents formation of AMA, Prevents complications of diabetes such as infection, cholestrol accumulation, retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy & gastropathy, protects vital structures like pancreas, lliver, gall bladder and stomach. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Ayurvedic N Bael AvlehMelionsbrother Improves digestion and decreases number of loose stools , Reduces anxiety and tension, Useful in diarrhoea, dysentery and chronic indigestion, Available in special jelly like Avaleh form. Thank You
- Ab $16.94
$19.48- Ab $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mukta Pishti Powder 1gmMelionsbrother Useful in dysentery, bleeding disorders, excessive burning sensation, gastritis, fever, cardiac diseases, mania, psychosis, depression. Thank You
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mukta Panchamrut Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in cough, cold, bronchitis, phthisis, asthma, chronic fever. Thank You
- Ab $9.31
$12.70- Ab $9.31
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mukta Bhasma Powder 1gmMelionsbrother Useful in cough, cold, asthma, dyspepsia, gastritis, anorexia, burning sensation. Thank You
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mem Up SyrupMelionsbrother Useful in memory booster, I.Q. Enhancer, mental retardation, cognitive disturbance. Thank You
- Ab $12.70
$15.25- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Medohar Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in obesity, tendency to gain weight. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Marichyadi Tailam OilMelionsbrother Useful in skin disorder like ringworm, vitiligo (Leucoderma). Thank You
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mansyadi Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbrother Useful in epilepsy, hysteria, manic psychosis, anxiety, neurosis and depression. Thank You
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Manjisthadi Ghanvati (Brihat) TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in skin diseases, gout, syphilis, non healing wounds, obesity and hyper cholestrolemia and eye diseases. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mandoor Vatak TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in incontinence of urine in children, chlorosis, scrofula, heart affections, phthisis general debility. Thank You
- Ab $9.31
$12.70- Ab $9.31
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Manasvita SyrupMelionsbrother Useful in anxiety neurosis, mental fatigue, stress and tension, senile dementia, as an adjuntive treatment in hypertension, sapeptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome and other psychosomatic disorders. Thank You
- Ab $12.70
$16.94- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Makardhvaj Vati Swarna Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful as male aphrodisiac, spermatic abnormalities, loss of libido, general weakness. Thank You
- Ab $16.94
$19.48- Ab $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mahavishgarbh Tailam OilMelionsbrother Useful externally in all neuromuscular (Vata) disorders. Thank You
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mahatriphala GhritamMelionsbrother Useful in red eyes, bleeding, night blindness, vision problems and general weakness. Thank You
- Ab $12.70
$15.25- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mahatiktak GhritamMelionsbrother Useful in all skin diseases, hemetmesis, gout, anaemia and fever. Thank You
- Ab $12.70
$15.25- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maharasnadi Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbrother Useful in Vata disorders like kampavata (Parkinson’s disease), hemiplegia, paraplegia, neck pain, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bloating disease, knee pain, hip pain, infertility of both male and female. Thank You
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mahanarayan Tailam OilMelionsbrother Useful in internally and externally all neuromuscular (Vata) disorders, erectile disorders, oligozoopsermia and infertility. Thank You
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mahamash Tailam OilMelionsbrother Useful externally in all neuromuscular (Vata) disorders. Thank You
- Ab $10.16
$11.01- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Mahakalyanak GhritamMelionsbrother Useful as external application in hysteria, epilepsy and delirium. Thank You
- Ab $12.70
$15.25- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Yograj Guggulu Swarna Rajat Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in all neuromuscular (Vata) disorders, paralysis, paraplegia, arthritis etc. Thank You
- Ab $16.94
$19.48- Ab $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Yograj Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in joint diseases, skin diseases, piles, sprue, diabetes, gout, fistula, bloating, emaciation, low digestion power, asthma, cold, cough, anorexia, male and female infertility. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Vat Vidhvansan Ras TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in vata disorders, neuralgia, aches and pains, abdominal colic, bloating, epilepsy, paralysis, splenic disorders and haemorrhoids. Thank You
- Ab $9.31
$12.70- Ab $9.31
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Sudarshan TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in as antipyretic, anti-malarial, antivitral and antidiabetic. Thank You
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Sudarshan Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbrother Useful in fevers including typhoid, cough, breathlessness, anaemia, jaundice, prevents malaria, intermittent fever, influenza and useful in bile disorders. Thank You
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Sudarshan Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in all types of fever, delusion, drowsiness, giddiness, thrist, difficulty in breathing, cough, anaemia, jaundice and cardiac disease. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Rasnadi Ghanvati TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in sprain and inflammation, sciatica, joint pain, lumbago, arthritis, musculoskeletal pain etc. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Masnjisthadi Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbrother Useful in skin diseases, gout, syphilis, non healing wounds, also useful in obesity and hypercholestrolemia and eye diseases. Thank You
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Maha Laxmi Vilas Ras Swarna Rajat Yukta TabletsMelionsbrother Useful in respiratory disorders, throat disorders, hernia, skin diseases, urinary disorders and in delirium. Thank You
- Ab $16.94
$19.48- Ab $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Loh Guggulu TabletsMelionsbrother General debility, tuberculosis, oedema, ascites, inflamation, neuromuscular weakness and sexual debility. Thank You
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Lodhradi Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Diabetes mellitus, kontrolliert übermäßigen Harnfluss, Erkrankungen der Harnwege, reguliert die Gallensekretion. Danke
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Lilavilas Ras TablettenMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Magen-Darm-Entzündung, Gastritis und Sodbrennen. Danke
- Ab $9.31
$12.70- Ab $9.31
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Lavan Bhaskar Choornam TablettenMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Blähungen, Gasproblemen, Milzerkrankungen, Hämorrhoiden, Verstopfung, Fisteln, Bauchschmerzen, Verdauungsstörungen, Atemwegserkrankungen, Husten, Erkältung. Danke
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Lakshadi Tailam ÖlMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Typhus, Husten, Asthma, Epilepsie und Hysterie. Danke
- Ab $10.16
$12.70- Ab $10.16
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Laksha Guggulu TablettenMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Osteoporose, Knochenbrüchen, Osteopenie, Zerrung, Verstauchung und geringer Knochendichte. Danke
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kutkrumin SirupMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Helminthenbefall, bakteriellen Infektionen, parasitären Infektionen und Magen-Darmentzündung. Danke
- Ab $12.70
$15.25- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kutaj Ghanvati TablettenMelionsbruder Nützlich bei bakteriellen Infektionen und Wurminfektionen. Danke
- Ab $11.01
$12.70- Ab $11.01
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kusthghna Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbruder Nützlich bei allen Hautkrankheiten. Danke
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kushmand AvalehMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Übersäuerung, Appetitlosigkeit (Anorexie), Verdauungsstörungen, Blutungen, Hämorrhoiden und Nesselsucht. Danke
- Ab $16.94
$19.48- Ab $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kumkumadi Tailam-ÖlMelionsbruder Nützlich zur äußerlichen Anwendung zur Entfernung von Mitessern, Akneflecken und Narben und für ein schöneres Gesicht. Danke
- Ab $8.47
$11.01- Ab $8.47
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kumar Kalyan Ras Swarna Moti Yukta TablettenMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Fieber, Husten, Gelbsucht, Asthma, Erbrechen, Verdauungsstörungen, Durchfall und Abmagerung bei Kindern. Danke
- Ab $25.42
$29.65- Ab $25.42
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Kumar Kalyan GhritamMelionsbruder Nährend, kräftig und wachstumsfördernd für Kinder. Danke
- Ab $12.70
$15.25- Ab $12.70
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Krimikuthar Ras TablettenMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Helminthiasis (Befall mit Darmwürmern) und Anorexie. Danke
- $9.31
$12.70- $9.31
- Einzelpreis
- pro
Nagarjun Krimighna Kashaya Liquid 200mlMelionsbruder Nützlich bei Darmwürmern, befallenen Wunden usw. Danke
- $16.94
$19.48- $16.94
- Einzelpreis
- pro