Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Madhukamadi Masanumasik 1st Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the first month (1st) of pregnancy – Madhukam, Shak-beejam, Payasya, and Suradaru. Madhukam Glycyrrhiza glabra is a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae, from the root of...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shatavaryadi Masanumasik 2st Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the second (2nd) month of pregnancy – Shatavari, Ashmantak, Krishna-tila, and Tamra-valli. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Asparagus racemosus is a species of asparagus common throughout India and the Himalayas...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Payasyadi Masanumasik 3rd Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the third (3rd) month of pregnancy – Payasya, Vrikshadani, Lata and Utpal-sariva. Payasya (Pueraria tuberosa) Payasyā (पयस्या) is another name for Dugdhikā, which is a Sanskrit word referring...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Padmadi Masanumasik 4th Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the fourth (4th) month of pregnancy – Padma, Ananta, Sariva, Rasna, and Madhuyashtika. Padma (Clerodendron serratum) It is a small shrub, 2-4 meter tall bearing opposite leaves and...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Kshirishungadi Masanumasik 5th Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the fifth (5th) month of pregnancy – Kshiri-shunga, kantakari, Brihati, Kashmari, Kshiri-shunga-tvak. Kshirishunga (Ficus bengalensis) Ficus benghalensis is an evergreen, fast-growing tree found mainly in monsoon and rainforests, that...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Prishniparnyadi Masanumasik 6th Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the sixth (6th) month of pregnancy – Prishni-parni, Bala, Shigru, Shva-danshtra, Madhuparnika. Prishniparni (Uraria picta) Prishniparni is an erect, undershrub, 60–75 cm tall, with several branches. Leaves are...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shringatakadi Masanumasik 7th Month TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the seventh (7th) month of pregnancy – Shringataka, Bisam, Draksha, Kaseru, and Madhukam. Shringataka (Trapa bispinosa) Trapa bispinosa is native to India. It grows abundantly in the fresh...
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Nidigdhikadi Masanumasik 8th Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the eighth (8th) month of pregnancy – Nidigdhika, Kapittha, Bilva, Brihati, Patola, and Ikshu. Nidigdhika (Solanum xanthocarpum) Kantakari is a very useful Ayurveda herb, used widely in the...
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Anantadi Masanumasik 9th Month 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 4 X 15 TABLETS Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned the use of following drugs during the ninth (9th) month of pregnancy – Ananta, Sariva, Payasya, and Madhuyashti. Ananta (Fagonia arabica) Fagonia is a genus of wild, flowering plants in the caltrop family, Zygophyllaceae,...
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Mensiflo 6 X 10 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of oligo‐menorrhea, female infertility, PCOS. Ensure normal menstrual blood flow (artava‐janana) Harmonize normal ovulation (beeja‐janana) Relieve pain during menstruation (kashta‐artava‐hara) Correct dysfunction in the female reproductive system (Yoni‐dosha‐hara). Ulatkambal (Abroma...
- 從 $29.65 起
$42.36- 從 $29.65 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Minovit 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of general debility, poor immunity, degeneration. Supplements natural minerals and vitamins (poshaka) Ensures excellent health and vitality (rasayana) Reinforces immunity (ojasya) Counters free radicals (rasayana) Strengthens cells, tissues, organs, and...
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Nimba 30 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Nimba, popularly known as Neem, is fast-growing, large tree (usually 50-70 ft), with long leaves. All its parts are extremely bitter in taste. It grows across India. Its leaves, bark, and fruits are used for medicinal purpose. It...
- 從 $12.70 起
$16.94- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Nubon 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of fracture, AVN, osteoporosis. Promotes bone formation ‐ by reinforcing osteo‐blastic activity (asthi‐balya) Promotes reunion of fractured bones ‐ by enhancing the development of cortical bone and trabeculae, and influencing...
- 從 $29.65 起
$42.36- 從 $29.65 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Ossie 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of fracture, calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, AVN. Supplements natural calcium (asthi‐dhatu‐poshaka) Promotes bone formation (asthi‐vardhaka) Anti‐oxidant (rasayana) Strengthens muscles and nerves (mamsa‐balya, nadi‐balya) Muktashukti (Mother of Pearl) Amalaki (E. officinalis)...
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$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Patrang 30 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Patrang is a small tree with spines and red flowers, growing across India. Its heart-wood is widely used for the management of leucorrhea. It contains brazilin, brazilein, and many other chemical constituents. Cardiovascular disorders: Described as rakta-dosha-hara, Patrang...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Phylocil 30 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Single‐drug ayurvedic that helps in the management of auto‐immune disorders, viral infections, liver, dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, diabetes, HT, dyslipidemias, gout, malaria. Immuno‐modulator (rasayana) Antiviral (vishanu‐hara / vishama‐jvara‐hara) Corrects renal disorders (vrikka‐balya) Corrects liver disorders (yakrit‐balya) Corrects dyslipidemia (medohara)...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Psorlyn Oil 100 MLMelionsbrother SIZE OIL 100 ML MUlti‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the topical management of psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, scaly lesions. Reduces inflamman (shotha‐hara) Reduces skin turnover (ama‐pachaka) tioRemoves built up scales (bhedanam) Clears affected skin of plaques (lekhanam) Shvet‐kutaja (Wrightia tinctoria) Wrightia tinctoria...
- 從 $16.94 起
$25.42- 從 $16.94 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Psorlyn 60 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 TABLETS Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, scaly lesions. Modulates immunity (ama‐visha‐hara, rasayana) Reduces inflammation (shotha‐hara) Reduces skin turnover (ama‐pachaka) Shvet‐kutaja (Wrightia tinctoria) Avalguja (Psoralea corylifolia) Arushkara (S. anacardium) Katuki...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Punarnava 30 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Widely used in renal and urinary disorders. Improves renal functions – Punarnava is a known diuretic. It acts by increasing the excretion of sodium. In addition, it protects the kidneys from toxic substances, and helps dissolve urinary stones....
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Pushkarmula 30 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Widely used in angina and asthma. Improves blood in ischemic areas – Pushkarmula has been reported to improve blood flow in ischemic areas in the heart and other organs, primarily due to its vasodilator activity. In addition, it...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Putranjiva 30 TabletsMelionsbrother SIZE 3 X 10 TABLETS Popular use: Widely used in infertility in males and females. Enhances the production of testosterone. It is useful in the management of the diseases resulting from testosterone deficiency – Male infertility, low sperm count, low sperm motility and...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Revplaq 60 TabletMelionsbrother SIZE 6 X 10 Tablets Multi‐drug formulation that helps lower raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides; reverse plaque / atherosclerosis; and modulate immunity. Stimulates thyroid functions & fat metabolism (samana‐vata‐balya) Enhances breakdown of excessive fat, and lowers body weight (medo‐hara) Lowers raised serum total...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Rohitak 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Rohitak is a medium sized tree (15-20 ft). Its flowers are red like that of pomegranate. It grows in Western parts of India and Himalayas up to a height of 4,000 ft. It is widely used for Cancer:...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Sahdevi 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Sahdevi is a small, erect, annual herb (1-3 ft) with pinkish violet flowers. It grows across India up to the height of 4,000 ft. It is widely used for the management of fever, urinary stones. Its Sahdevi has...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Samvyan 60 TabletMelionsbrother Size 6 X 10 Tablets Multi‐drug formulation that helps in the management of hypertension. Lowers raised blood pressure (vyana‐samyak) Harmonizes hypothalamic‐pituitary functions (udana‐vata‐samyak) Harmonizes thyroid functions (samana‐vata‐samvyak) Harmonizes hepato‐renal functions (apana‐vata‐samyak) Harmonizes cognitive functions (prana‐vata‐samyak) Depletes catecholamines (vyana‐vata‐shamaka) Bhumi‐amalaki (P. niruri) Bhumi-amalaki modulates...
- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Sapta Parna 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Popular use: Widely used in malarial fever. 1. Anti-malarial – Sapta-parna has been reported to possess anti-malarial activity. It is thus It has been reported to possess anti-malarial activity. It is therefore the foremost drug against malarial fever....
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Saptamrit Lauh 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 2 X 15 Tablets Saptamrit Lauh Tablet is a classical ayurvedic multi-drug formulation used for the management of eye disorders. Saptamrit Lauh has been described to increase vision in Simple Myopia (Pratham Patalgata Timir) in which the patient can see nearby things...
- 從 $21.18 起
$29.65- 從 $21.18 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Sariva 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Sariva is a twinner that spreads extensively, especially under the shade of other trees. Its root widely used for the management of infection. It contains coumarin, hemisterol, and Cancer: Described as sama-visha-nashanam, Sariva has been reported to possess...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shallaki Dry Syrup Powder (For Kids) 10 GmMelionsbrother Size Powder 10 Gm Dr.Vasishth’s Shallaki Dry Syrup is a unique Product containing Shallaki, having potent anti-inflammatory activity. It is thus quite effective in the management of inflammation in various On the basis of the anti-inflammatory action of Shallaki, Dr.Vasishth’s Shallaki Dry Syrup...
- 從 $11.01 起
$16.94- 從 $11.01 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shallaki 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Shallaki is widely known for its anti-inflammatory activity. The gum-resin used as medicine, is obtained by making incisions on the bark of this deciduous, medium sized tree, found in West, Anti-inflammatory: Shallaki attenuates the inflammatory mediators - cytokines,...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shankhfuli 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 2 X 15 Tablets Shankhfuli is a 1-2 ft tall, flowering plant, that grows across India as a weed in the cultivated fields and pastures. Shankhfuli could be useful in the management of following diseases - 1. Cancer: Scientific research has revealed...
- 從 $29.65 起
$42.36- 從 $29.65 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Sharpunkha 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Sharpunkha is a 1-3 ft, small perennial herb with purple flowers. Its root is used for medicinal purposes. It grows wild, across India. It is widely used for the management of liver and splenic Liver disorders: Sharpunkha has...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr.Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shatavari Churna Powder 60 GmMelionsbrother Size Churna Powder 60 Gm Shatavari is a thorny creeper, like a bush. Its root widely used for the management of female reproductive diseases. It contains Shatavari has following major pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses - 1. Gynecological disorders Shatavari is widely used...
- 從 $11.01 起
$16.94- 從 $11.01 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shatavari 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Shatavari is a thorny creeper, like a bush. Its root widely used for the management of female reproductive diseases. It contains saponins that relax uterine contractions. Gynecological disorders: Shatavari is widely used in ayurveda for the management of...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shati Dry Syrup Powder (For Kids) 10 GmMelionsbrother Size Powder 10 Gm Dr.Vasishth’s Shati Dry Syrup is a unique Product containing – Shati, having potent anti-allergic and antacid activities. It is thus quite effective in the management of various allergic On the basis of the anti-allergic and antacid activities of Shati...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shati 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Shati is widely known for its activity to alleviate nausea, vomiting, and hiccup. Looking like a Haridra plant, Shati has long leaves and white flowers. Its rhizomes (Roots) are used as a medicine. Rhizomes have aromatic smell. Widely...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shigru 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Popularly known as Sahijan and Moringa, Shigru is a beautiful tree of medium size (usually 30 ft). Its leaves are long with elliptic leaflets. Its leaves, bark, fruits, and seeds are used for Nutritional disorders: Shigru leaves have...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shilajit Shuddha 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 2 X 15 Tablets Shilajit has following important actions and therapeutic uses – Shilajit contains a large number of Nutrients that are quite useful for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases. These include Humic acid, Fulvic acid, Benzoic acid, Zinc,...
- 從 $21.18 起
$29.65- 從 $21.18 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Stresyl 60 TabletMelionsbrother Size 6 X 10 Tablets Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps in the management of anxiety, mental stress, insomnia, cognitive and behavioural disorders. Nootropic Calms down the stressed mind Anti‐anxiety Improves memory Anti‐spasmodic Analgesic Anti‐convulsant Anti‐depressant Tagar (Valeriana wallichii) ext. 250 mg Brahmi (Bacopa...
- 從 $21.18 起
$29.65- 從 $21.18 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Suvarna prashan Immunity Growth In Infants Children Drops 15 MLMelionsbrother Size Drops 15 ml Nano‐rasayana which reinforces immunity and growth in infants and children. Improves physical strength, vigour, and vitality of the child (balyam) Improves mental health of the child and reinforces his/her mental faculties (medha-vardhanam) – intellect, learning, memory Improves appetite, digestion,...
- 從 $25.42 起
$33.89- 從 $25.42 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Tagar 30 TabletsMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Tagar is a perennial herb with white flowers. Its root widely used for the management of sleeping disorders, restlessness and anxiety. It contains valepotriates, terpenes, and 1. Sleeping disorders: Tagar specially effective in the management of sleep disorders,...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Thyrin 60 TabletMelionsbrother Size 6 X 10 Tablets Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps stimulate thyroid functions, stimulate metabolism, lower excess body fat, lower raised blood lipids, antagonize atherosclerosis, Stimulates thyroid functions (samana‐balya) Harmonizes hypo‐thalamic‐pituitary‐thyroid functions (udana‐smayak) Harmonizes hypo‐thalamic‐pituitary‐ovarian functions (udana‐apana‐samyak) Stimulates metabolism, lowers excess body fat...
- 從 $29.65 起
$42.36- 從 $29.65 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Tulasi 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Used in cough, cold, and infections. Immune-modulator – Tulasi modulates immunity. It is used in the management of auto-immune disorders, like RA, psoriasis, SLE and lichen. Anti-allergic – Tulasi alleviates allergy. It acts by preventing the release of...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Uristonz 60 TabletMelionsbrother Size 6 X 10 Tablets Multi‐drug ayurvedic formulation that helps dissolve urinary stones, improves renal functions, protects kidneys, and increases the production and excretion of the urine. Help dissolve urinary calculi through CaC2O4 crystal inhibition (ashmari‐hara) Protect kidneys from various toxic substances (mutravaha‐sroto‐balya)...
- 從 $29.65 起
$42.36- 從 $29.65 起
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Dr Vasishth's Ayurvedic Vrikshamla 30 TabletMelionsbrother Size 3 X 10 Tablets Widely used for reducing weight in obese people. Reduces excess body fat – Vrikshamla reduces excess body fat by decreasing the production (adipogenesis) and increasing the breakdown (β-oxidation) of body fat. It is widely used for reducing weight...
- 從 $12.70 起
$21.18- 從 $12.70 起
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